“Missbanana Doodle” 創建於2015年的馬來西亞本土獨立創意品牌,用幽默來敘述那些沒有電子科技產品的童年, 能夠療愈和觸動心靈的歡樂。從靈感的開始到藝術品的生產,創作過程中的每一個細節都是專註和耐心,慢慢的做 著微小卻很有力量的事,獻給每個與眾不同的小靈魂。 "Missbanana Doodle" is a local independent creative brand that founded in 2015. Using humor to memories childhood that without electronic technology products, it can heal and touch the joy of the soul. From the beginning of inspiration to the production of artwork, every detail in the creative process is focused and patient, believes in steadily creating small and meaningful things can dedicating them to each unique soul.